Group :
Asset Name:
Mobile No:
From :19-Sep-2024 To: 19-Sep-2024
From :0:00:00 am To::59:59 pm
Distance Summary Report
Index ServiceDistrictBase LocationAssetCrew NumberTotal DistanceLat/LongOperatorStatus as on 20-09-2024 07:00:41Total Odo Distance
10 Km0 Kms0-0GlovisionNot Responding
*Off-road:Vehicle not Communicating from more than 12 hours *Not Responding:Never communicated
Detailed Distance Report
IndexDateIdle Location For More
Than mins
Total Idle TimeStart Time Of
The Day
End Time Of
The Day
Gts DistanceOdo DistanceOffline TimeTravel Route
19-09-2024 00:59:59
0 Kms0 Kms* From:19-09-2024 00:00:00 To:19-09-2024 00:59:59 OfflineTime 479635Hr :29 Mins

Total Offline Time:479635Hr :29 Mins

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